The crypto project backed by BitMEX founder Arthur Hayes wants to explore a potential market for financial services on the messaging platform Telegram. In a statement, Ethena Labs says it’s mulling building a Telegram-based savings and payment application this year as it sees a $50 billion market for its synthetic dollar USDE . “Rather than compete directly with payments companies on their own turf, we plan to address the payments and savings tool use case via building a dedicated application on Telegram and within the TON ecosystem.” The tool will leverage USDe, a stablecoin that aims to maintain its US dollar peg by opening short futures positions whenever a user provides collateral to mint tokens. “In 2025, we will be releasing a dedicated use case for sUSDe within the Telegram application where users can send, spend and save within a mobile neobank-like experience. Payments will be connected directly to Apple Pay where you can move between a savings asset in sUSDe to direct mobile tap payments from your phone.” Ethena Labs says Telegram’s popularity will support its plan to launch the product for one billion people. “Immediate access via Telegram’s 900 million+ users provides the distribution platform to deliver this product to the world. Together we can provide a billion people a payments and savings product which is as easy to access as sending your friend a message.” Don`t Miss a Beat – Subscribe to get email alerts delivered directly to your inbox Check Price Action Follow us on X , Facebook and Telegram Surf The Daily Hodl Mix Disclaimer: Opinions expressed at The Daily Hodl are not investment advice. Investors should do their due diligence before making any high-risk investments in Bitcoin, cryptocurrency or digital assets. Please be advised that your transfers and trades are at your own risk, and any losses you may incur are your responsibility. The Daily Hodl does not recommend the buying or selling of any cryptocurrencies or digital assets, nor is The Daily Hodl an investment advisor. Please note that The Daily Hodl participates in affiliate marketing. Featured Image: Shutterstock/Natalia Siiatovskaia/klyaksun The post Arthur Hayes-Backed Ethena Labs Reveals Plans To Build Telegram-Based Payments and Savings Tool appeared first on The Daily Hodl .
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Trump Rally (TRUMPRAL) Will Explode Over 19,000% Before Exchange Listings, While Shiba Inu and Dogecoin Lag
Trump Rally could turn early investors into multi-millionaires, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) did. Trump Rally (TRUMPRAL), a new Solana memecoin that was launched today, is set to explode over 19,000% in price in the coming days. This is because TRUMPRAL is set to soon be listed on numerous crypto exchanges, according to reports. This will give the Solana memecoin exposure to millions of additional investors, who will pour funds into the coin and drive its price up. Currently, Trump Rally can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like and, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days. Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Trump Rally could become the next viral memecoin. Trump Rally launched with over $9,000 of liquidity, giving it a unique advantage over the majority of other new memecoins, and early investors could make huge gains. How to Buy To buy Trump Rally on or ahead of the CEX listings, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap Solana for Trump Rally by entering its contract address – 9sawQZwuqdxzgtn2ZhD1eeRit425XtaXfdn57RJY6bcM – in the receiving field. If you don’t have one of these wallets already, you can create a new wallet in a few minutes and transfer some Solana to it (which will then be used to buy the memecoin), from an exchange like Coinbase, Binance and many others. In fact, early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price. If this happens, a new wave of memecoin millionaires could be created in a matter of weeks – or potentially even sooner. The Solana memecoin craze continues amid larger memecoins, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and DogWifHat (WIF) trading sideways in recent weeks and losing momentum. This is why many SHIB, DOGE and WIF investors are instead investing in new Solana memecoins, like TRUMPRAL. Such memecoins have no utility and no inherent value, but investors looking for high gains have been investing in them due to their potential to rapidly rise in price. The Daily Hodl
Peter Brandt Predicts XRP Could Hit $502 Billion Market Cap
Renowned market analyst Peter Brandt has shared a bullish outlook for XRP, suggesting its market cap could rise to $502 billion. Brandt’s prediction is based on the formation of a weekly “half-mast flag” pattern, which he detailed in his recent market analysis. XRP Consolidates in Flag Formation Brandt’s analysis highlights that XRP’s market cap reached … Continue reading "Peter Brandt Predicts XRP Could Hit $502 Billion Market Cap" The post Peter Brandt Predicts XRP Could Hit $502 Billion Market Cap appeared first on Cryptoknowmics-Crypto News and Media Platform . The Daily Hodl